1 – Indications:
Vita C 50 % Powder:-
* Is used in cases of stress, heat stroke, post acute bacterial and viral infections associated with high fever.
* It improves the immune response, especially after vaccination or transport of animals.
* It improves growth performance, reproduction, increase egg production and egg shell quality and hatchability rate in poultry.
2 – Composition
Vitamin C, Dextrose.
3- Chemical Analysis

Additives per Kg :-
– Vitamin C ————– 500000 mg
– Dextrose —– Complete up to 1 kg
4 – Instruction Of Use :
Mixed with drinking water or feed.

Horses: (40 g / 3 Lit. water / per head daily )

Cows and camels: (200 g / 25 Lit. water / 5 heads daily )

Sheep and goats: (50 g / 10 Lit. water / 10 heads daily )

Poultry: 100 g / 200 Lit. From drinking water
or by feeding: 1 kg / ton feed in case of stress.
5 – Animal species

Camels, Horses, Cows, Sheep, Goats, and Poultry.
6 – Net weight
3kg, 1 Kg, and 0.5 Kg